Past productions: 1933-1949
Click on those that are highlighted to see details.
Use the above links to see productions in other periods. A complete list of our productions, from 1933, can be downloaded here. Undercurrents (March 1934) A murder has been arranged (1934) 9-45 (October 1934) Lucky dips (December 1934) Tilly of Bloomsbury (February 1935) The Donovan affair (April 1935) If four walls told (October 1935) The sport of kings (December 1935) Indoor fireworks (February 1936) Good losers (March 1936) Charity begins (October 1936) Distinguished gathering (December 1936) Happy days (February 1937) Such things happen & The brute Simmons (May 1937) Well caught (October 1937) Mystery at Greenfingers (November 1937) Till further orders (February 1938) Miss Tracy (April 1938) Uncle Ben (1938) The Bat (October 1938) Lord Richards in the pantry (December 1938) Pearly pearls (1939) Love from a stranger (February 1939) Passing of the third floor back (April 1939) The Sport of Kings (1939/45) Women aren't Angels (1939/45) The Man who stayed at Home (1939/45) Fresh fields (1939/45) Quiet Weekend (1946) Saloon bar (February 1947) Ten little n.....s (April 1947) Ladies in retirement (October 1947) Flare path (December 1947) No medals (February 1948) Yes and no (April 1948) George and Margaret (October 1948) The ghost train (December 1948) Fools rush in (April 1949) The girl who couldn't quite (October 1949) Lady killer (December 1949) |